News & Announcements

Physical Therapy student and resident research highlights

May 3, 2022

May 3, 2022

The Department of Physical Therapy is excited to highlight the outstanding research and scholarly accomplishments of our students and residents in recent weeks, including presentations at the local, state and national levels as well as receiving a highly competitive research award.

The Pro Bono Network National Conference

Congrats to Kayli Brower (Class of 2023) and Natalie Tiffany (Class of 2023) for their recent presentation, “Assessing Social Determinants of Health in a Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic” at the Pro Bono Network National Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Outstanding work by all involved, including their physical therapy faculty mentors, Drs. Anita Campbell and Jamie Hall.

Kayli Brower (left), Natalie Tiffany (right)

From left: Natalie Tiffany, Dr. Anita Campbell, Kayli Brower

Central States-American College of Sports Medicine Meeting

Additionally, we are proud to highlight that Jacob Thomas, PhD student in Health and Rehabilitation Science and member of the Mizzou Motion Analysis Center, was selected for the Presidents Cup Award at the Central States-American College of Sports Medicine meeting for his poster titled, “Comparative Accuracy of a Novel Approach to Automatic Temporal Event Detection During the Drop Vertical Jump.” This prestigious award supports an opportunity to present his work at the national stage.

Similarly, we are excited to celebrate his and co-authors’ recent publication in “Gait and Posture,” titled, “Comparison of Azure Kinect and optical retroreflective motion capture for kinematic and spatiotemporal evaluation of the sit to stand test.” Congrats to Jacob and a special highlight to his faculty mentors on these projects, including Drs. Trent Guess, Jamie Hall and Rebecca Bliss.

Jacob Thomas, PhD student

Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Student Research Showcase

Further, Mizzou Physical Therapy students recently presented their scholarship at the Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Student Research Showcase. This includes Emily Stevens (Class of 2023) and Emily Burris (Class of 2023) for their study, “Balance Strategies Used by Individuals with Cerebral Palsy During Gait – A Scoping Review” and Taylor Pruitt (Class of 2022) and Kylie Linkeman (Class of 2022) for their study, “The Experience of Participating in a Summer Intensive Therapy Program – A Qualitative Study.” We want to underscore the excellent work by all students involved and include a special thanks to Drs. Jamie Hall and Dana Chole for their contributions and mentorship on the projects.

Emily Stevens (left), Emily Burris (right)

Taylor Pruitt (left), Kylie Linkeman (right)

2022 Undergraduate Research & Creative Achievements Forum

Also, we are incredibly proud of our undergraduate student researchers and members of the Mizzou Motion Analysis Center for their recent presentations at the 2022 Undergraduate Research & Creative Achievements Forum. Great job by all student presenters and a special thank you to graduate students, Jacob Thomas and Rose Schauffler, as well as the physical therapy faculty members Drs. Trent Guess and Jamie Hall, for their support and mentorship on the projects.

Aaron Harrison

Megan Pullen

Sam Kasser (left), Chloe Webb (right)

Abdullah Alsharafi

Sam Weiss

Olivia Guess

APTA-Missouri Spring Conference

Finally, we want to spotlight the fantastic work of our Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency Program residents, Paige Biles, DPT ’18, and Jamey Webb, DPT  who recently presented a two-hour session titled, “Neuroplasticity Across the Continuum of Care” at the APTA-Missouri spring conference. Congrats to our residents and their faculty mentors, including Rebecca Bliss, PT, DPT, DHSc, NCS and Lindsay Holland, PT, MPT, NCS.

Paige Biles (left) and Jamey Webb

Featured in this post

Anita Campbell

Anita Campbell

Associate Teaching Professor

Trent Guess

Trent M. Guess

Associate Professor

Jamie Hall

Jamie Hall

Associate Teaching Professor