News & Announcements

New Faculty Spotlight: Lauren Laur

Sept. 11, 2020

Sept. 11, 2020

This is part of a New Faculty Spotlight series in which we introduce all new faculty members for the 2020-2021 academic year. See the full list of new faculty

What is your title with Health Professions?

Assistant Clinical Professor, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences

What classes are you teaching this semester?

SLHS 8030, Acquired Language Disorders

What do you love about teaching?

I love helping students make connections between information they learn in class and actual clients they are seeing in our clinic or out in community placements. I think it’s so rewarding to watch those critical thinking and clinical judgement skills develop.

Tell us a bit about yourself! What’s your background?

I graduated from Truman with my B.A. in 2007 and my M.A. in 2008. I have worked as a speech therapist in a variety of clinical settings including an Early Childhood Special Education program through the public schools, pediatric outpatient clinic, inpatient rehabilitation hospital, and an outpatient clinic for adolescents and adults with neurological disorders.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I enjoy reading, baking, and taking walks. I also enjoy playing with my 2-year-old son.

What brought you to Mizzou?

I have really enjoyed working with students who completed their internships with me during my work in the public schools and outpatient clinics. I was very excited for the opportunity to work more closely with students and really develop my relationship with them at Mizzou through clinical supervision and mentorship.

Tell us about your research interests/area of focus. What made you interested in this area within your field?

My clinical interests are acquired language and cognitive disorders. I love working with clients to figure out how to help them get back to doing their everyday activities and improve their participation in life.

What are you most excited about in regards to the upcoming semester/working at Mizzou/your research?

I’m excited about adding a clinical emphasis to the course I am teaching and helping students discover new resources and clinical tools that they can use with their clients.

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Lauren Laur

Lauren Laur

Assistant Clinical Professor