Ellie Scheer

Elizabeth (Ellie) Scheer

Ellie Scheer, from New Haven, Missouri, is an Occupational Therapy Assistant major. 

Ellie’s best advice for incoming Mizzou CHS students is to not hesitate to get involved. “If you are used to being a part of organizations in high school, then continue to get involved wherever you feel comfortable on campus as well.” 

Ellie is involved in SOTA, the Student Occupational Therapy Association, and is on their executive board as the American Occupational Therapy Association Representative for Mizzou. 

Why did you choose to pursue a career in healthcare?  

My sister has a rare disorder, Aicardi syndrome, and because of this, she has many professionals in the healthcare field who are on her team. Growing up I always saw how these professionals treated my sister and knew that I wanted to help others just as they helped my sister and our family.

What is your favorite restaurant in Columbia?

My favorite restaurant in Columbia has to be Flat Branch, it is downtown and has amazing burgers and desserts!

What is your favorite Mizzou memory?

My favorite Mizzou memory is when my family came back to celebrate homecoming my freshman year. Getting to experience campus with my alumni family members made the whole experience amazing.