Lanie Springer


Lanie Springer, from Morton, Illinois, is a Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences major. After graduation, Lanie plans to attend graduate school to earn her master’s. She hopes to eventually work in acute care or the NICU as a medical SLP. 

“Time goes by fast but you don’t have to try to accomplish all your goals during the 1st semester,” she says. “Lots of opportunities will come along but don’t try to do too much, take time to enjoy your new life on campus” 

Lanie is involved as an undergraduate researcher and as a member of NSSLHA. She also works as a barista at the Memorial Union Starbucks. 

Why did you choose to pursue a career in healthcare?  

I am the oldest in my family so taking care of people is kind of my thing! I also chose a career in healthcare because I believe it’s easy to take for granted so many of our abilities that impact our day-to-day life and I believe it is important to use your own blessings to help others. 

What is your favorite study spot on campus?

My favorite study spot on campus is Memorial Union, when the weather is nice I love to sit at the tables outside!

What is your favorite ice cream spot in Columbia?

My favorite ice cream spot in Columbia is actually right on campus (and conveniently located right across from my dorm) and is run by students in the agriculture program – Bucks! I 100% recommend the tiger-striped ice cream!