Rebekah Prasuhn, from Ansonia, Ohio, is a Health Science major with an emphasis in health and wellness. After graduation, Rebekah plans to attend graduate school to earn an occupational therapy doctorate. Eventually, she wants to become a professor in an OT program.
“My best advice for incoming Mizzou CHS students is to say ‘yes’ and show up,” she says. “Even though it can be overwhelming seeing all of the options and stepping outside of your comfort zone, becoming involved outside of the classroom is what leads to the best friendships, memories, and learning experiences.”
Rebekah is involved in Sigma Eta Rho, the College of Health Sciences professional fraternity, and the Pre-Occupational Therapy Association. In addition, she regularly attends The Crossing and is involved in their college ministry, Veritas.
Why did you choose to pursue a career in healthcare?
I decided to pursue a career in healthcare after my little sister inspired me to help children with multiple disabilities live life to the fullest. I love that healthcare encompasses many aspects of other industries and fields such as education, psychology, and political science. As an occupational therapist, I will be able to combine elements from these fields while helping people participate in the activities they want and need to do.
What is your favorite Mizzou memory?
My favorite Mizzou memory is storming Faurot Field during the 2023 football game against K-State and singing “Mr. Brightside” with the rest of the student body. I’ll never forget watching Harrison Mevis kick a 61-yard field goal, setting a new SEC record and breaking the tied score in the last three seconds of the game!
What is your favorite ice cream spot in Columbia?
My favorite ice cream spot in Columbia is Sparky’s. They have the best flavors!