Shay Butler


Shay Butler, from Bowling Green, Missouri, is a Health Science major with a pre-professional emphasis. After graduation, Shay plans to apply to PA school. 

Shay’s best advice for incoming Mizzou CHS students is to get involved. “Mizzou has over 600 student organizations so there is bound to be an organization that you truly enjoy,” he says. “My involvement on campus has truly made my college experience unique and unforgettable.” 

Shay is involved in Greek Life as a member of Phi Delta Theta and as the Vice President of Risk Management for the Interfraternity Council. He is also a member of the biology honors society, Beta Beta Beta, as well as the Academic Affairs Committee and the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee. 

Why should students choose Mizzou? 

Mizzou has such a large selection of majors and student organizations that there will be something here that will allow everyone to call Mizzou home. 

What is your favorite study spot on campus?

My favorite student spot has to be Ellis, there are so many different rooms to study in and all have different sizes, so group study sessions are doable. 

If you could have dinner with any Mizzou alumni who would it be and why? 

If I could have dinner with any Mizzou alumni I would pick David Freese, he’s such an important piece of St. Louis Cardinal baseball history so it would be awesome to be able to talk about his historic playoff performance.