News & Announcements

Dan Hanneken: New faculty Q&A

Aug. 30, 2022

Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Social Work

What classes are you teaching this semester?  

I am teaching Criminal Justice & Delinquency, Corrections, and Social Treatment this semester.  

What do you love about teaching?  

Preparing future professionals to be effective in their work.  

What are you most looking forward to this semester?  

Meeting first-year students and encouraging them and the other students to make the best of their experience at MU. 

Tell us a little about yourself!  

 I was an adjunct for 10 years prior to becoming faculty.  I love to travel with my wife, and we sometimes enjoy bringing our spoiled dog with us. I am an avid runner.  

What is your background?  

I am the founder and executive director of a nonprofit in Columbia called in2Action, which provides comprehensive residential support to people recently released from prison. 

When you are not teaching, what are you up to?  

I spend a lot of time contributing to state-level work on substance use and corrections.  

What brought you to Mizzou?  

I am an MU graduate myself and love the school and its mission.  

To your field?  

I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. 

What is a fact about you that your students might not expect?  

I ran the Boston Marathon in October last year — having run several dozen marathons prior to that.

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Dan Hanneken

Dan Hanneken

Assistant Teaching Professor