News & Announcements
Houston talks earthquake risk in New Madrid Seismic Zone with PBS News
Aug. 20, 2024

Brian Houston, a professor with the MU Department of Public Health, was interviewed by PBS News Weekend about earthquake risk in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
Houston is a renowned researcher and expert in the fields of disaster communication, resilience and mental health. His work has focused on the impact of disaster media coverage on both children and adults, the role of new media during crises, and the use of communication technologies to increase community resilience.
Houston spoke with John Yang of PBS News Weekend about earthquakes in the New Madrid region and what people can do to prepare for natural disasters.
“There are things like prepare a disaster kit and have some water and some food and some important medications and documents in a place that if an event like this happens and there’s damage to your home or you’re displaced, you’ve got those emergency supplies that you need,” Houston said. “The nice thing about something like that is it can help with an earthquake, but can also help if there’s some flooding or a severe storm or that sort of thing.”
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