News & Announcements
Meet your student support team: Jenn Schaffer
Jan. 22, 2024

Jenn Shaffer
Hometown: Fairmont, Minnesota
Title: Academic advisor
What do you like to do in your free time?
Hang out with my daughter, read and eat good food!
What is the best thing about the College of Health Sciences?
Oh, this is an easy one — definitely the people. CHS attracts really great folks who tend to stay in CHS. We all love working with and supporting students.
If the CHS advising office hosted a show-and-tell tomorrow, what would you bring?
Probably my stickered water bottle. It really shows who I am: a Mom, an alum, a reader.
What is the best piece of advice you received when you were a student?
Take advantage of your resources; there is so much support and so many organizations at Mizzou to take advantage of. Just take that step to make an appointment with your advisor or go to a meeting of an organization, and you will benefit so much! Also, check your email!
Are you a Mizzou alum?
No. I got bachelor’s degrees in journalism and political science from Iowa State University and a master’s in political science from the University of Wisconsin.
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