News & Announcements
Mizzou Made 2023: Kheasiah White, BHS
May 11, 2023
With commencement coming up on May 13, we’re taking this opportunity to highlight some of the incredible students who make the School of Health Professions such a great place to learn, serve and discover.
It’s time to meet Kheasiah White, a Kansas City native who is completing her BHS in Health Science — with a Leadership and Policy emphasis — in addition to a minor in Business.

Kheasiah White
Major: Health Science (Leadership and Policy) with a minor in Business
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
Favorite Quote:
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Maya Angelou
What does graduating from the Mizzou School of Health Professions mean to you?
Graduating from the School of Health Professions signifies to me that I have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue my professional goal of being a successful leader in the health care industry. This is a big milestone for me, and the SHP has allowed me to see both personal and professional growth.
What was your favorite class within your degree track?
Health Science 4500, or “Health Care Management,” was my favorite course. In this course, we looked at different management concepts and how they apply to health care settings. I took away a lot from that course, and I will be applying the materials I learned in that class into my profession.
What activities have you been involved in along the way?
During my last three years of college, I was a member of P.A.S.S. (Promoting, Advocating, Sisterhood and Service), where I also held the president role my senior year. It is a mentoring organization for female students at Hickman High School. Additionally, I served as a student ambassador for the School of Health Professions, where I assisted in recruiting students and represented the institution at various events.
Who helped you during your college journey?
There’s an endless amount of people that helped me during my college journey. My parents and close friends provided me with a lot of emotional support, while my advisor, professors, and SHP peers gave me a lot of academic guidance.
What memories stand out from your time at Mizzou?
Every Homecoming is very memorable! I always felt the most school spirit during the fall semester. Since Mizzou invented the concept of homecoming, we do it big every year. I love how everyone comes together to eat, make friends and celebrate.
What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation, I’ll be working a full-time position for CVS Health’s General Management Development Program in Austin, Texas.
What advice do you have for current and future students?
Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and take advantage of every opportunity! Stepping out of your comfort zone can connect you with so many people that can have an everlasting impact on your life. Don’t look back and wish you would’ve taken that chance when you had it. College is how you make it, and you want it to be memorable.
Anything else you would like to share?
Once a tiger, always a tiger. M-I-Z!