News & Announcements

Mizzou Made 2023: Stephanie Moore, MHS

Dec. 4, 2023

Commencement is coming up on Friday, Dec. 15, and we’re highlighting some of the incredible students who will soon be alumni of the College of Health Sciences.

Today we meet Stephanie Moore of Troy, Missouri, who is completing her Masters of Health Science in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences — with an emphasis in Clinical Laboratory Science. Moore also will receive certificates in Public Health and Epidemiology.

Stephanie Moore
Stephanie Moore

Stephanie Moore

Major: Masters of Health Science in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences with a Clinical Laboratory Science emphasis; certificates in Public Health and Epidemiology
Hometown: Troy, MO

Favorite Quote:

“Always think positive.”

My mom
What does graduating from the Mizzou College of Health Sciences mean to you?

I am truly excited and proud to be graduating from the Mizzou College of Health Sciences. I am so thankful that it offers such a wonderful online program for graduate professionals.

What was one of your favorite classes within your degree track?

There are many that I have enjoyed, but one of my favorites would be Epidemiology of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.

Who helped you during your college journey?

I have had many supportive people, including family members, friends and college professors. Alese Thompson has been very encouraging when it comes to the Clinical Laboratory Science program. 

What are your plans after graduation?

Keep striving in the clinical laboratory science field, both in the civilian sector and in the Army Reserves. I plan to eventually work on my doctorate and possibly look into teaching one day. 

What advice do you have for current and future students?

Always go for your dreams. There are times that it will be difficult, but the end reward is definitely worth it in the end.

Anything else you would like to share?

I am so thankful for the opportunity to learn here at Mizzou. This journey has not been easy being a mother, wife, full-time student, and working full time. I encourage everyone to push themselves to further their career and goals.

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Alese Thompson

Alese M. Thompson

Clinical Site Coordinator and Assistant Clinical Professor