News & Announcements
New faculty spotlight: Emily Marschall
Aug. 29, 2024
This is part of a series of Q&As introducing faculty who have joined the College of Health Sciences for the 2024–25 academic year. Meet all of our new faculty members.
Emily Marschall
Assistant clinical professor, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
What classes are you teaching this semester?
I will be teaching 8945 Clinical Practicum in SLP.
Tell us about yourself. What is your background?
I was a nontraditional graduate student who found speech-language pathology while working at Mizzou. Upon graduation, I went straight into clinical work in the public school setting and discovered a passion for working to support adolescents with language learning needs.
What brought you to Mizzou? To your field?
Moving to graduate education at Mizzou allowed me to continue the work I love while supporting the next generation of SLPs. It was a win-win, and I’m so grateful to be here!
What is your favorite thing about your job?
My favorite thing so far is the pride and joy I feel watching these talented graduate students develop their clinical intervention skills. It’s humbling to reflect on the small part I get to play in setting their foundation.
What has you excited for this semester?
Meeting the class of 2026, the largest cohort of graduate students yet!
What is a fun hobby or activity that you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy growing garlic and tending to my native plant garden. I could watch the pollinators, caterpillars and butterflies all day long!
What is a particularly memorable moment from your time teaching?
Working with children is always funny and unforgettable! During a recent parent conference sharing progress on communication goals, a parent said, “If no one told you this today, thank you! The work you do makes a difference in the lives of families.”
What is your hidden talent?
Guiding a 1,000-pound animal over obstacles — I was a competitive equestrian from junior high through undergrad.
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