News & Announcements
New faculty spotlight: Julie Kapp
Sept. 6, 2023
This is part of a series of Q&As introducing faculty who have joined the College of Health Sciences for the 2023–24 academic year. Meet all of our new faculty members.
Julie Kapp
Associate professor, Department of Public Health
What classes are you teaching this semester?
I generally teach HMI 8544 Managerial Epidemiology (Population Health Management) for the MHA executive and residential students in the spring semesters.
Tell us about yourself. What is your background?
I have undergraduate degrees in psychology and sociology from Mizzou. My master’s and Ph.D. are in public health, concentrated in epidemiology, from Saint Louis University. I am recognized by the American College of Epidemiology as a fellow for significant and sustained contributions to the field. I have also earned the title of Malcolm Baldrige executive fellow, a competitive distinction bestowed by the U.S. Department of Commerce Undersecretary for Standards & Technology. I was born and raised in St. Louis, and most of my family is still there.
What brought you to Mizzou? To your field?
I did my undergraduate studies at Mizzou many years ago, and I was a faculty member in 2005. Mizzou is a second home to me.
What is your favorite thing about your job?
There are so many things! I love teaching and working with students. They are so bright and bring great energy and new ideas. I also love the research I do. It is important to me to focus on areas that can contribute to the greater good and not just get lost on an academic shelf. I am someone who loves learning new things, so working in an academic environment is perfect for me.
What has you excited for this semester?
I love the renewed energy that comes to town each fall with the incoming students.
What is a fun hobby or activity that you enjoy outside of work?
Running is an important part of my well-being. I started with a 5K and made my way to an ultramarathon (50K). While I no longer do long-distance running, you can still find me running on the Katy Trail.
What is your hidden talent?
During COVID-19 lockdowns when the world was stuck at home, I decided to teach myself to paint in watercolor. It’s a fun way to use a different part of my brain.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who gave it to you?
I served eight years in the military. I first enlisted in the Army Reserves after 9/11, and I was later recruited to the Air National Guard to serve as a public health officer; I was a major when I completed my service. The Air Force’s core values are integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do — I believe in those and still try to live my life that way.
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