News & Announcements

New Faculty Spotlight: Nicholas Philpot

Sept. 11, 2020

Sept. 11, 2020

This is part of a New Faculty Spotlight series in which we introduce all new faculty members for the 2020-2021 academic year. See the full list of new faculty

What is your title with Health Professions?

Clinical Education Coordinator for the Athletic Training Program

What classes are you teaching this semester?

I am teaching “Seminar in Athletic Training.” It is a writing intensive course.

What do you love about teaching?

I love seeing the moment when a student is finally able to perform a skill that they have been struggling with, or understand a concept that they have been struggling to comprehend.

Tell us a bit about yourself! What’s your background?

I graduated from Louisiana College in 2012 with my Bachelors of Athletic Training degree. In 2014, I graduated from the University of Virginia with my Master’s of Kinesiology- Athletic Training degree. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Athletic Training degree from A.T. Still University, and am set to graduate in May of 2021.

Since 2014, I worked as an athletic trainer for the Missouri Orthopedic Institute. I was contracted out to the Student Rec Complex to cover Club and Rec Sports on campus.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I have a 2-year-old daughter, and a 1-month-old daughter, so I spend as much time as I possibly can hanging out with them and my wife.

What brought you to Mizzou?

My wife grew up here, and always wanted to go to Mizzou. So she got a job as an RN at University Hospital, and started on her master’s degree. I followed suit after I finished my degree at UVA.

What are you most excited about in regards to the upcoming semester/working at Mizzou/your research?

Honestly, teaching at the collegiate level has been a long-term goal of mine for a while now, so I am just happy to be teaching full time. And I couldn’t have asked for a better institution to start out at.