News & Announcements

Respiratory Therapist inducted into Public Health honor society

June 10, 2021

June 10, 2021

Sara Parker, MPH ’14, associate clinical professor of Respiratory Therapy, is among the newest inductees to the MU chapter of Delta Omega, a national honor society for public health. She was one of only five alumni invited to apply for membership this year.

“Sara was selected because of her outstanding academic record while a student in the MPH program and her continued dedication to the field of public health,” said Jenna Wintemberg, chapter adviser and assistant teaching professor of Health Sciences.

As a public health alumna and registered respiratory therapist, Parker recognizes the overlap between public health and respiratory therapy concerns. She believes strengthening the relationship between clinical providers, educators, and public health professionals is beneficial. Her favorite outreach involvement is with Camp Catch-Ya-Breath for children diagnosed with asthma that may not be allowed to attend a regular camp secondary to health concerns. Here, they are educated on asthma at a young age, developing self-efficacy to reduce the burden placed on healthcare systems.

The Alpha chapter of Delta Omega was founded at The Johns Hopkins University in 1924; the University of Missouri chapter, Gamma Eta, was established October 2011. The MU chapter seeks to enhance connections between public health research and practice and to foster relationships among public health scholars, alumni, researchers and practitioners and those in related scientific and social disciplines. In addition, the chapter will encourage students’ involvement in public health practice, research, and service.

Other notable Gamma Eta chapter inductees include:

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Sara Parker

Associate Clinical Professor

Enid Schatz

Enid J. Schatz
