News & Announcements
Students present research at American Physical Therapy Association’s centennial event
Feb. 25, 2021
Feb. 25, 2021
The Department of Physical Therapy would like to congratulate Mizzou DPT students Morgan Woods, Connor Redmon, Jason Cook, Jenna Lawler, Kayley Stock, and Breanna Sitzes on their recent research presented virtually at the 2021 APTA-Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). This year marked the centennial anniversary of the APTA, and the CSM is the profession’s premier event. Congratulations to these outstanding students, as well as their faculty mentors and fellow co-authors.
- Adapting to COVID-19: Pediatric Physical Therapists and Telehealth
Authors: Hall JB, Woods ML, Luechtefeld JT. Poster Presentation - Differences in Sleep, Pain, and Depression Among Chronic Pain Populations: Implications for Patient Education
Authors: Redmon C, Willis BW, McCrae C, Craggs J. Poster Presentation - Utilization of Rehabilitation Professional’s Self-Efficacy in Concussion Management to Shape Knowledge Translation Intervention
Authors: Bliss R., Holland L., Gerau M., Fletcher B. Stock, K., Sitzes B. Poster Presentation - Early Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Student Perceptions of Interprofessional Education: Similarities, Difference, and Challenges
Authors: Lawler J, Cook J, Hall JB, Campbell AS. Poster Presentation - “You don’t know what you don’t know”: Student Perspectives of an Interprofessional Care Conference Experience
Authors: Cook J, Lawler J, Hall JB, Campbell AS. Poster Presentation
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Anita Campbell
Associate Teaching Professor

Jamie Hall
Associate Teaching Professor