Adjunct Instructor
Current position
- Adjunct Faculty, Department of Health Sciences
- Chief Technology Officer, Sapper Consulting
Educational background
- Ph.D. – University of Missouri, Healthcare Informatics, 2016
- M.S. – University of Missouri, Healthcare Informatics, 2010
- M.H.A. – University of Missouri, Healthcare Administration, 2010
- B.A. – Northwest Missouri State University, Political Science & Economics, 2006
Classes taught
- Healthcare Management
- Topics in Healthcare
- Healthcare Project Management
Additional information
Dr. Hutson started a professional services company in 2009 that focused on automating health metrics across key health indicated from PQRS. The main customers were Mayo Clinic, Partners Healthcare, and the Department of Veteran Affairs. He sold the company in 2011, then began working as a consultant with various companies to grow and improve their professional services functions.
Today, Dr. Hutson is the Chief Technology Officer for a consulting firm our of St. Louis, MO. He is primarily responsible for setting the strategic vision of technology use at the company and designed a machine learning recommendation engine used to predict customer behavior. The engine prescribes industries, regions, titles, performance expectations, contents and sending sequences that result in maximized outcomes. He leads the internal development team that focuses on process improvement and building SaaS applications; the prospect procurement team that obtains, verifies, updates, secures and maintains prospect contact information and metadata; and the internal IT department handling both client tech needs and staff tech needs.