News & Announcements
DHS award winners
May 13, 2021
May 11, 2021
The Department of Health Sciences is pleased to announce the 2021 award recipients! Winners are acknowledged for their achievements, character and commitment in DHS.
Spirit of Achievement: Greta Valastyan
The Spirit of Achievement recipient demonstrates unwavering positivity toward the program and students’ career goals. Additionally, the recipient has demonstrated a supportive attitude toward their peers and service to others within the program. This student is an outstanding representative of DHS, SHP and MU within the local and distant community.
Hometown: Gyor, Hungary
University of Missouri | Class of 2021
Bachelor’s in Health Sciences with Emphasis in Leadership and Policy
Truman Award: Austin Brawley
The Truman Award recognizes a student who has demonstrated the strength of character and determination that is exemplary of a Missouri Tiger. The recipient of this award has successfully overcome obstacles while pursuing their education.
Hometown: Van Buren, Missouri
University of Missouri | Class of 2021
Bachelor’s in Health Sciences with Emphasis in Leadership and Policy
Distance Learning Award: Erin Walton
The recipient of this award demonstrates a strong commitment to success while pursuing his/her/their educational goals outside the traditional campus setting. Additionally, the recipient is an outstanding representative of the program within their local community.
Hometown: Lee’s Summit, Missouri
University of Missouri (distance learning) | Class of 2021
Bachelor’s in Health Sciences
Intern of the Year: Jill Collier
The Intern of the Year demonstrates a strong commitment to professional development as a student intern enrolled in Health Sciences 4975. The recipient is open to feedback, promotes a positive work environment, and seeks opportunities for growth while advancing the organization’s mission.
Hometown: Brunswick, Missouri
University of Missouri | Class of 2021
Bachelor’s in Health Sciences with Emphasis in Pre-Professional
Supervisor of the Year: Derek Landes
The Supervisor of the Year is an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to student learning and development within the health care industry. Internship supervisors are an integral part of students’ professional development, and this award is intended to recognize their value and express the gratitude of the DHS students and faculty.
Coordinator, Missouri Rural Health Association
Faculty/staff Award: Dr. Dave Ruggeri
This award recognizes an outstanding DHS faculty or staff member who has made a significant impact on students and the university through teaching, research, mentorship, service and/or professional development. This individual is committed to the department’s mission and seeks every opportunity to advance that mission among students and the academic community.
Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Health Sciences
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