News & Announcements
Mizzou Made 2023: Taylor Tripp, BHS
May 9, 2023
With commencement coming up on May 13, we’re taking this opportunity to highlight some of the incredible students who make the School of Health Professions such a great place to learn, serve and discover.
Today we meet Taylor Tripp of Jackson, Missouri, who is completing her BHS in Health Science — with an emphasis in Rehabilitation Science.

Taylor Tripp
Major: Health Science (Rehabilitation Science)
Hometown: Jackson, MO
Favorite Quote:
“Do good recklessly.”
What does graduating from the Mizzou School of Health Professions mean to you?
It means that I have the privilege to represent a school, an academic unit and, most importantly, a family. I get to put the knowledge and skills that I’ve learned out into the world and hopefully make it a better place.
What was your favorite class within your degree track?
Health Science 1000! Getting to learn about the plethora of careers in the health care industry opened my eyes to careers that were not on my radar. Ultimately, it showed me that physical therapy was the right career for me. It gave me a head start on how to be a well-rounded physical therapy applicant and allowed me to network with the current MU DPT faculty.
What activities have you been involved in along the way?
I’ve had the pleasure of being a peer advisor and an ambassador for the School of Health Professions. I am a member of Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Eta Rho and the Well-Being Peers. I also work for MU Health Care in the Emergency Department.
Who helped you during your college journey?
Every peer, TA, professor and staff member that I interacted with influenced me one way or another. The people here make Mizzou and Columbia home, and four years ago they welcomed me with open arms.
Special shoutout to Cody Baggett, Adam Willard, Mitchell Edge, Sarah Anthony, Ashlan Lock, Lindsey Hagglund, Caleb Grimm, Dr. Dana Martin, and Dr. Kelly Stephens. From celebrating my accomplishments to being a listening ear, I hope I made you all proud. I could not have done this without you.
What memories stand out from your time at Mizzou?
So many immediately come to mind! My favorite one was when I found out I got into physical therapy school here. I was in the middle of class, and the email came through on my Apple Watch. I’ll never forget the feeling of relief and thankfulness — that was when I realized all my hard work paid off.
Another memory that comes to mind was when I accidentally made my entire dorm floor smoky because I cooked a baked potato for too long in the communal microwave. That was definitely a learning curve (and showed me that I probably shouldn’t be unsupervised in the kitchen).
What are your plans after graduation?
Mizzou is not getting rid of me yet! Starting this summer, I’ll be attending the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree program.
What advice do you have for current and future students?
Talk to literally anybody and everybody. Talk to the student that you randomly sit by in the 500-plus lecture hall; they could be your future friend. Talk to your professor; they could write you a recommendation letter. Talk to the barista at the coffee shop; they could probably use a friendly conversation. You could change the entire perspective of someone’s day by just stopping and having a conversation.
Anything else you would like to share?
To the class of 2023: We did it! We’ve had an unusual college experience, but we made it. Remember the wise words of Hannah Montana: “You can say ‘goodbye’ … But you’ll always find your way back home.”
Featured in this post

Cody Baggett
Director, Student Services

Adam Willard
Senior Academic Advisor

Jon "Mitchell" Edge
Academic Advisor

Sarah Anthony
Assistant Director of Student Records and Systems

Lindsey Hagglund
Assistant Director of Advising Operations

Dana Martin
Teaching Professor