News & Announcements
Mizzou Motion Analysis Center presents research on international stage
Oct. 6, 2021

Rose Schauffler
Oct. 6, 2021
The Department of Physical Therapy is pleased to announce that faculty and students from the Mizzou Motion Analysis Center (Mizzou-MAC) were invited to share their research at the 17th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and 5th Conference on Imaging and Visualization in September.
Virtually hosted from Bonn, Germany, Dr. Trent Guess provided an oral presentation titled, “Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Modelling of the Pediatric Knee.” Outstanding work, Dr. Guess.
Additionally, Rose Schauffler, a master’s student in biomedical engineering and team member within the Mizzou-MAC, presented, “Novel Knee Arthrometer Use in Clinical Settings for Assessing Tibiofemoral Motion” as a poster. Co-authors included Drs. Jamie Hall and Trent Guess from the Department of Physical Therapy as well as Kylee Rucinski from the Missouri Orthopaedic Institute.
Congratulations to all authors. Additional presentation abstracts and conference details can be found here.
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Trent M. Guess
Associate Professor