News & Announcements
Radiography students engage in hands-on learning at University Hospital
March 20, 2025
Radiography students at Mizzou stepped out of the classroom and into a clinical setting for hands-on lessons in interventional radiology, gaining real-world experience from experts at University Hospital.
Students learned from radiologists at the hospital about various procedures and tools used in interventional radiology. Radiography program director Carla Allen said she hopes to make the experience an ongoing part of the program’s curriculum.

Heidi Olsen (right), a 2024 graduate of Mizzou’s radiography program, teaches Olivia Shackelford and Caitlyn Piecuch, both junior radiography students, about hydrophilic guidewires.

Mary Shearer, an endovascular supervisor at University Hospital, demonstrates different types of central lines, gastric tubes, and drainage tubes used in interventional radiology, to senior radiography students John Myres and Sydney Zellak.

Radiography students Mason Walkup and Jacob Ehmke watch as interventional radiologist Charles Kitley uses ultrasound to locate the precise area for a biopsy sample.
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