Associate Clinical Professor
Educational background
- Undergraduate: University of Texas at Arlington, BA., Psychology
- Graduate: Sam Houston State University, MA., Psychology
- Graduate: University of Houston, PhD., School Psychology
Dr. Kerri P. Nowell is an Associate Clinical Professor and Licensed Psychologist in the Department of Health Professions at the University of Missouri (MU). Housed at the Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Dr. Nowell conducts psychological assessments, provides clinical and research supervision for trainees at various levels, and conducts clinical research. Dr. Nowell has extensive clinical experience in varied settings including public schools, community mental health clinics, hospital clinics and day treatment programs. She has clinical expertise in differential diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders, and delivery of evidence-based interventions for co-occurring difficulties in youth with autism including anxiety, disruptive behaviors and feeding disorders. Her research interests focus on characterization of autism phenotypes and improving diagnostic processes; delivery of cognitive behavioral interventions in autism; and, improving access to care for underserved populations. Dr. Nowell has an established record of clinical research. She has led several large research grants and has multiple peer-reviewed publications.
Current active grants
A Prospective, Multi-Center Study of Dynamic Quantification of Social-Visual Engagement (DQSVE) in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): MEASURE-ASD; Funding agency EarliTec Diagnostics, Inc.
Thompson Center Clinical Site for Simons National Autism Cohort. Funding agency: Simons Foundation.
Recent publications
Brown, C. E., Beauchamp, M. T., Nowell, K. P., *Bernardin, C. J., & Kanne, S. M. (2022). The network structure of the Special Interests Survey. Autism Research. doi: 10.1002/aur.2862
Nowell., K. P., *Jorgenson, C., Brown, C., & Kanne, S. (2021). Characterization of special interests and preoccupations in autism spectrum disorders: Brief review and pilot of new measure. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, doi.org/10.1007/s10803-020-04743-6
Nowell, K. P., *Selders, K., *Stevens, M. A., Laakman, A. L., Tan, S. X. L., & Mire, S. S. (2022). School-based autism evaluations: Background, essential components, and social justice opportunities. In Banneyer, K., & Fein, R. (Eds.), Autism Spectrum Disorder: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Types of Treatment. Nova Science Publishers.
Current projects
Types of Special Interests in ASD. (in collaboration with Stephen Kanne)
- Survey study to collect detailed information about types of special interests and preoccupations in a large sample of children/adolescents with ASD. One of the research questions is to ascertain any differences across gender.
Recent presentations
Miles, J. H., Ithman, M. L., Muckerman, J., & Nowell, K. P. (2018). Catatonia in Down syndrome: Prospective Study Indicates No Distinctions between Catatonia in DS and Other Psychiatric or Medical Disorders. Poster accepted for presentation at the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group – USA Annual Symposium, Sacramento, CA.
Nowell, K.P. & Jorgenson, C (2018, May). Types of restricted interests and preoccupations: Are there differences across sex? Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Rotterdam, Netherlands
Nowell, K. P. (Invited Discussant) (2017, August). In S. S. Mire (Chair), Autism spectrum disorder: Psychologists’ opportunities for cross-setting practice and research. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association’s 125th Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
Miles, J. H., Ithman, M. L., Muckerman, J., & Nowell, K. P. (2017). Catatonia in Down syndrome: An additional treatment option. Poster presented at the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group – USA Annual Symposium, Sacramento, CA.
In the news

Nov. 12, 2021
Celebrating National First-Generation Day!

Nov. 3, 2021