Assistant Teaching Professor
Education Director for Public Health in Extension
Research areas
Public Health, Communicable Diseases
Courses taught
P_HLTH 7150 Principles of Public Health; P_HLTH 8001 Epidemiology of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases; P_HLTH 8150 Human Health and the Environment; P_HLTH 8120 Applied Epidemiology in Community Assessment; P_HLTH 8980 Public Health Internship
Lynelle Phillips received her MPH in 1992 and has worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in areas including environmental health, immunization and tuberculosis control. She also worked at the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services as a nurse consultant and CDC field assignee to the tuberculosis program, and she has consulted for the Heartland National TB Center. She is currently serving as Assistant Teaching Professor for the Department of Public Health and teaches epidemiology, ethics, and environmental health courses for both the undergraduate and MPH programs. She also coordinates the MPH Internship Program.
In the news

Apr. 9, 2024
CHS shows out at Research Week symposium

Dec. 11, 2023
Mizzou Made 2023: Fatma Bayati, MPH

Dec. 16, 2020
Mizzou student goes from intern to executive director

Nov. 18, 2020
MU research project to study COVID-19 immunity

Mar. 11, 2020
Lessons from Ebola

Feb. 7, 2020