News & Announcements

Wintemberg honored for work with Show-Me ECHO

June 24, 2024

Jenna Wintemberg receives a plaque for her work with the Show-Me ECHO program
Jenna Wintemberg (right) receives a plaque for her work with the Show-Me ECHO program.

Jenna Wintemberg, an associate teaching professor with the College of Health Sciences, was recognized recently for her work to address vaping, tobacco and nicotine use.

Wintemberg, who has a joint appointment in the health sciences and public health departments, serves as the hub team lead for a vaping, tobacco and nicotine treatment effort through the Show-Me ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) program. During a Show-Me ECHO Summit in June, Wintemberg was presented with the Missouri Telehealth Network – ECHO Champion Award.

Show-Me ECHO is a state-funded telehealth project operated by the Missouri Telehealth Network and the MU School of Medicine. It uses videoconferencing to connect interdisciplinary teams of experts with primary care clinicians and other professionals. Learn more about Wintemberg’s work with Show-Me ECHO.

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Jenna Wintemberg

Jenna Wintemberg

Director of Undergraduate Studies (Health Sciences and Public Health) and Associate Teaching Professor