Sue Boren

Sue Boren


MHA Program Director and Professor

Research at a glance

Research Topics

Research Summary

Dr. Boren investigates how technology can be used to improve patient outcomes and student learning outcomes.

Dr. Boren’s research focuses around two themes 1) Consumer Health Informatics, and 2) Health Informatics and Health Administration Education. Through her research, Dr. Boren investigates how informatics can be used to improve patient outcomes and student learning outcomes. Dr. Boren has co-authored more than 90 articles. These publications provide valuable information on decision support technologies, telemedicine, E health / mobile health, management of chronic illness, and education. Two of Dr. Boren’s articles have been recognized by the Yearbook of the International Medical Informatics Association as among the best biomedical informatics studies. Dr. Boren has a history of service. Dr. Boren directs the MHA program (CAHME accredited for 55+ years) and led the MS in health informatics program through initial CAHIIM accreditation. She has been a member and chair of the Research Committee of the American Association of Diabetes Educators. She has served as an editorial board member of The Diabetes Educator and Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. Dr. Boren has chaired the Health Informatics Accreditation Council for the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) and currently serves on the CAHIIM Board of Directors. She completed two terms of elected leadership on the executive committee of the Academic Forum for the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). Dr. Boren has also previously served as Graduate Faculty Senate President and Chair of the Campus Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee at the University of Missouri.

Areas of expertise

  • Consumer Health Informatics (mobile health apps, E health, health information literacy, patient portals, information interventions for persons with chronic illnesses, outcomes evaluation)
  • Health Administration and Health Informatics Education (teaching effectiveness, learning outcomes, competency-based education, accreditation, interprofessional education)

Education and training

  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Biomedical and Health Informatics Research, National Library of Medicine
  • PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Missouri
  • Master of Health Administration (MHA), University of Missouri
  • BA, Psychology, University of Michigan

Course taught

  • HLTH_ADM 7430 Introduction to Health Informatics for Leaders
  • HLTH_ADM Health Services Research
  • HLTH-ADM 8544 Managerial Epidemiology
  • Consumer Health Informatics

Awards and honors

  • 2024 AUPHA Quint Studer Gratitude Prize for Excellence in Teaching 
  • FACMI class of 2022 – Elected to and inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics
  • FAMIA class of 2021 – Inducted as a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association
  • 2021 AUPHA Engagement Award (Faculty Service to Association of University Programs in Health Administration)
  • 2020 CAHME Canon Solutions America Award for Sustainability in Healthcare Management Education
  • 2018 CAHME Cerner Award for Excellence in Healthcare Management Systems Education
View Dr. Boren’s publications on Google Scholar

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