News & Announcements

Mizzou secret societies induct Health Sciences students, faculty

April 22, 2024

This past Friday, April 19, six College of Health Sciences students and two faculty members were recognized during the University of Missouri’s 97th annual Tap Day ceremony.

In a tradition dating back to 1917, small groups of students are selected (or “tapped”) by their peers to join one of Mizzou’s six secret honorary societies. The societies — QEBH, Mystical Seven, LSV, Mortar Board, Omicron Delta Kappa and the Rollins Society — honor new members for their service, leadership and commitment to the Mizzou community.

Initiates are kept secret until Tap Day, when their identities are unveiled during a ceremony in Jesse Auditorium. Congratulations to our new taps!

Morgan Jones
Morgan Jones, Mystical Seven
Health Science, Pre-Professional
Braden Bond
Braden Bond, ODK
Health Science, Pre-Professional
Mathew Kimaku, ODK
Health Science, Pre-Professional
Sarah Love
Sarah Love, ODK
Health Science, Pre-Professional
Ahmiel Ford
Ahmiel Ford, QEBH
Health Science, Pre-Professional
Rucha Kelkar
Rucha Kelkar, QEBH
Health Science, Pre-Professional
Jenna Wintemberg
Jenna Wintemberg, QEBH
Director of Undergraduate Studies (Department of Health Sciences) and Associate Teaching Professor, Health Sciences and Public Health
Sue Boren
Sue Boren, Rollins Society
MHA Program Director and Professor, Health Sciences

Featured in this post

Jenna Wintemberg

Jenna Wintemberg

Director of Undergraduate Studies (Health Sciences and Public Health) and Associate Teaching Professor

Portrait of Sue Boren

Sue Boren

MHA Program Director and Professor