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The College of Health Sciences’ mission is to improve the health and well-being of others. We care deeply about the effects of the social and cultural climate on every person’s ability to live, work, study, innovate, serve and thrive on this campus. We welcome and strive to foster an inclusive and diverse community of people, cultures and abilities.

Health Sciences students leave our school and become health care providers for a diverse population. They will take an oath to care for others in need without bias. All students, faculty, and staff in the College of Health Sciences deserve and are called to contribute to an educational experience and a workplace that holds the same promise. It is our duty to respect and uphold the individual dignity of each student, faculty and staff member in our school, and each person receiving our care and attention, without exception.

We are committed to:

  1. Continuing to research and educate students and our community about health disparities and strategies to address inequities in health care.
  2. Expanding mentoring and student support programs to build community and facilitate success.
  3. Improving recruitment practices to identify and encourage applications from all qualifying students.

Student access and scholars initiatives

The Office of Student Access and Scholars Initiatives coordinates several programs to help support students on their individual college journeys. Learn more about the office.

Traveling library

The library is currently in transition. If you need to check out or return a book, email Kristin Flynn Peters at flynnpetersk@health.missouri.edu.

The Traveling Inclusion Library is open to all faculty and staff to engage in various topics including age, cultural competency, disability, ethnicity, family role and structure, gender, health, nationality, politics, race, regionality, religion, sex, sexuality, socio-economic status, substance use disorders, weight bias and more.

Mizzou resources