Health Psychology

Learning Disability/Cognitive Difficulties Clinic


Provide comprehension evaluation for children/adults demonstrating symptoms consistent with possible Intellectual Disability or Learning Disability due to academic concerns.


  • Provide appropriate diagnosis associated with the presenting academic concerns
  • Provide detailed strategies for the educational setting
  • Provide suggestions for transition and independent living

Clinic entry requirements

  • Demonstration of academic problems
  • Ages 6+
  • Completed history form


Lead: Knoop Battery: Psychology only

  • Review of school records
  • Full cognitive
  • Achievement
  • Adaptive as needed

Approx. 4 hour appointment. Feedback to family within 3 weeks of appointment. Feedback provided in person or by phone.

Referrals and resources

  • Included in report

Making a referral

A referral form must be completed and submitted by the child’s parent/guardian, primary care provider, or member of other agencies such as schools or by therapists.