News & Announcements
School of Social Work PhD students present at national conference
March 10, 2025
Congratulations to four School of Social Work PhD students who recently presented posters as first authors at the Society for Social Work Research’s national conference in Seattle.

MacKenzie Dallenbach, LMSW
Dallenbach presented “Sense of belonging and campus climate? Influences in upstanding behavior when witnessing emotional distress/suicidal thoughts.” Her co-presenters — Melissa Ticozzi, Haelim Jeong and Anthony Fulginiti — included researchers from the University of Alabama and the University of Denver.

Douglas Odongo
Douglas presented “Assessing autonomy support for young adults with high functioning autism.” His faculty co-publishers included Aaron Thompson, Dale Fitch, Connie Brooks and Erin Robinson.

Elizabeth Taylor, LMSW
Taylor presented “A retrospective cohort study: Reentry outcomes over five years.” Her co-presenters — Jonathon Zars, Cayley Schmitt, Manda Tiwari, Jacob Hansen and Sara Gable — are all researchers from Mizzou.

Brandi Armstrong, LMSW
Armstrong presented “Developing the psychometric properties of the harm reduction knowledge and attitudes scale (HRKAS).” Her faculty co-presenter was Mansoo Yu. This study was based on data collected from CHS students, and Brandi extends her appreciation to those who responded to her survey.
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Connie Brooks
Executive Director, Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment

Dale Fitch
Associate Professor

Erin Robinson
MSW Program Director and Associate Professor

Aaron M. Thompson
Director and Professor, School of Social Work