Dr. Anna Boone’s Optimal Performance & Enhanced Neurorehabilitation (OPEN) Lab seeks to develop and evaluate clinically feasible assessments and interventions to support evidence-based neurorehabilitation. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve performance of meaningful everyday activities and quality of life for individuals with acquired brain injury (e.g. stroke, traumatic brain injury). Specifically, the OPEN laboratory evaluates (1) psychometrics of functional cognitive assessment tools, (2) efficacy of functional cognitive interventions in neurologic populations, and (3) optimization of rehabilitation interventions with non-invasive brain stimulation methods. Dr. Boone collaborates extensively with colleagues in cognitive neuroscience to bridge the gap between basic neuroscientific findings and applied rehabilitation research.
Her research is published in American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, and Gait & Posture. Dr. Boone is currently funded as a Co-Investigator through the NIH National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research.
Focus areas: complex (multicomponent) interventions, functional cognition, functional outcome assessment, non-invasive brain stimulation, acquired brain injury.