Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

Combined MHS/PhD program

A combined MHS/PhD program is available for students whose goals include advanced study and research in speech, language and hearing sciences. The combined program will take at least five years for students who enter the program with an undergraduate degree in SLHS or at least six years if their undergraduate degree is in an outside area.

Application procedures

Application procedures for the MHS/PhD program are similar to the MHS program. Students should apply to the MHS program and contact the department for information on additional application requirements. Additional application requirements that cannot be uploaded in CSDCAS (e.g., a writing sample) should be sent to the department (see PhD application requirements).

If a student is offered admission to the MHS/PhD combined program, the student will be advised jointly by the director of MHS program and the doctoral advisor.

Applicants who are not accepted to the combined program may still be accepted to the MHS program.